Sabbath School 10:00am
Opening Remarks - Grace Kumalo
Opening Song #218 When He Commeth
Opening Prayer - Sis. Angela Hutton
Scripture Reading - Romans 8:1
Lesson Discussion - "To Be Pleasing to God" - Elder Sam & Sis. Angela Hutton (Mr & Mrs)
Mission Spotlight
Sabbath School Offering
Closing Song
Closing Prayer
Divine Service
Call to Worship - Sis. Claudina
Welcome - Janis and Jacy
Opening Song #305 Give Me Jesus
Scripture Reading - Luke 11:1
Tithes and Offering - Deacons & Deaconesses
It is possible to move men, through God, by prayer alone.
Zoom: 885 529 0386, 7:00pm
God's love has no limit;
God's Grace has no measure;
God's Power knows no boundaries.
May God's Blessings light up your life today and forever!
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