Sabbath School 09:30am
Opening Song - #163 At The Cross
Opening Remarks - Anslim Narinesingh
Prayer - Toinette Stewart-Taylor
Care & Share
Lesson Discussion - Classes
Special Song - Don't Forget The Sabbath
Mission Spotlight
Sabbath School Offering
Closing Song - #251 He Lives
Closing Prayer
Divine Service & Baptism 11:15am
Introit - Holy Spirit
Call to Worhip - Elder Stefan Taylor
Welcome - Kellis Wellington
Opening Song - #152
Scripture Reading
Tithes & Offerings - Elder Claudia Thomas
Garden of Prayer - Tiphanie Weekes
Praise and Worship - Praise Team
Sermonette - Pastor Christopher Johnson
Presentation of the candidate for baptism
- Elder Anslim Narinesingh
Baptismal Vows & Membership Vote
- Elder Anslim Narinesingh
Song #318 Whiter Then Snow
Sctipture Reading - John 3:16
Song - My Help Cometh From the Lord
Baptism - Pastor Aundries Malcolm
Appeal - Pastor Aundries Malcolm
Congregational Songs
#251 He Lives
#249 Praise Him! Praise Him
#248 O, How I Love Jesus
Presentation of Certificate and Gifts and hand of fellowship
Closing Song - #12 Joyful Joyful we adore thee
Closing Prayer - Pastor Aundries Malcolm
🍛 Lunch is provided.
Let Us Pray Together
Wednesdy Night at 7:30pm via Zoom 5818441863