Stratford SDA Church Bulletin

Rainham Fellowship Bulletin

Sabbath 25th January 2025

Sabbath School 09:30am

Opening Prayer - Glen Thomas

Opening Song - #79 O Love of God How Strong and True

Care & Share

Lesson Discussion "God Is Passionate and Compassionate" - Elder Stefan Taylor

Mission Spotlight - Sibonile Mhalope

Sabbath School Offering - Deaconry Team

Closing Song - #183 I Will Sing of Jesus' Love

Closing Prayer - Bro Arthur Blackwood

Divine Service 11:15am


Call to Worship and Welcome Elder Blossom Gillin

Welcome - Lorraine Shaw

Opening Song - #487 I Come to the Garden

Scripture Reading - Mark 10:17

Tithes & Offerings - Lavern Harris

Garden of Prayer - Glen Thomas

Praise and Worship - Praise Team

Introduction to the speaker - Elder Blossom Gillin

Meditation - Praise Team

Sermon - "He Went Away Sad" - Elder Myron Hall

Closing Song #309 I Surrender All- Praise Team

Closing Prayer - Elder Myron Hall

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting.
It is possible to move men, through God, by prayer alone.
Stratford Zoom: 5818631844, 7:30pm

  1. SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER SESSION 6:00 to 6:30am - - Zoom ID: 5818441863

  2. BUSINESS MEETING THIS AFTERNNON 4:30PM - - All members are invited to a Business Meeting next Sabbath.

  3. PRAYER AND SUPPORT - Please remember to prayer for our members who have health challenges including those who are going through difficulties or reccently bereaved. In a special way, remember Sis. Linda Hinds who has moved from The Royal London Hospital to Newham General Hospital, Thistle Ward. Also pray for Sis Nomsa Kona who remain in hospital. Lift up in prayer those who are seeking to know more about God through bible study.

    Elders Training January 19th and Deaconry Training 26th January. Please scan the QRcode to reserve a place.

    - Fridays : Club meeting online 6:30pm to 7:30pm.
    - Sabbaths: 3:30pm to 5:30pm, alternate Sabbath in Stratford upstairs.
    - SID Camporee Victoria Falls 13th - 19th April 2025, the cost is £1600 per person including tour.

  6. CHURCH BUILDING PROJECT UPDATE - The next actions are to:
    a. Obtain estimates from Design and Build Services.
    b. Dialogue with the SEC regarding the project.
    c. Put together the financial arrangements.
    d. Select an alternative venue for Sabbath Services during construction.

  7. COMMUNITY SERVICES - Please continue to donate food items to the Food Bank by using the basket in the foyer. We require volunteer drivers to collect donated food from donors. Continue to pray for and support this community initiaitve.

  8. CHILDREN'S SAFETY - Parents and guardians are reminded to be aware of where your children are at all times.

  9. LONDON AREA6C NEWS - Access News and Developments in London Area 6C here.

  10. SOUTH ENGLAND CONFERENCE (SEC) COMMUNICATOR - Access the South England Conference Communicator here.


  12. ADVENTIST RADIO LONDON - Access this station on DAB radio or download the App, also available at

Divine Service Speakers - February 2025
1 Pastor Rohail John
8 Tiphanie Weekes
15 Margret Johns
22 Pastor Aundries Malcolm