Prayer Ministries

“God can handle your doubt, anger, fear, grief, confusion, and questions. You can bring everything to him in prayer.” – Rick Warren
Prayer Graphic

Our Mission

To spiritually strengthen and support every member,family, officer,department and the pastor of the church by combining the three fundamental elements of mission
- prayer, Bible study, and ministry.

How we server:

"Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful... Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt so that you may know how to answer every one." Colossians 4:2, 6

Key Elements of the Prayer Ministries Department

  1. Praying leaders - The church derives its power through prayer. The power of each ministry can be released through prayer.
  2. Giving prayer high priority in the church's life and ministry
    The power and effectiveness of the New Testament church could only be explained with reference to the ministry of prayer. Prayer is the most important work in God's kingdom. There is no substitute for prayer.
  3. Encouraging correct thinking about prayer
    God rules the world through the prayers of His people. Christ actually meant prayer to be the great power by which His church should do its work.
  4. Clear communication of needs and answers to prayer is vital
    If we expect our prayers to make a difference, it is important to watch for the answers.
  5. Prayer linked to ministry
    Ministry without prayer becomes work in the power of the flesh. Prayer without ministry is complacent Christianity.
  6. Make times,ways and places fro people to prayer together
    The department encourages consistentcy in prayer. Praying with others expands our prayer life. As we listen to others prayer, we learn from them things that will strengthen our own prayer life.
    Praying together not only strengthens our faith, but mutual praying makes the large task of prayer more manageable
  7. Encourage personal devotions
    Private prayers are an indespensable part of every Christian's life. It is the highest activity in which any soul can engage.
    In personal prayer, we dare to look into our hearts to discern those most private problems and issues we need to place before the Lord.
  8. Encourage family devotions
    When family worship is neglected, other attempts at prayer are like sprinkling the foliage of a plant with water leaving the roots dry. Family devotions should be part of every Christian family's experience.